Monday, July 30, 2012

A note about transformation

My two-year journey diving deeply into the world of biomimicry has been a transformative experience for me.  By looking to the natural world as a “model, measure, and mentor,” I believe we can create systems that transform our culture and economy from one that extracts and wastes to one that optimizes and restores.  I want share this experience and provide opportunities for others in my region, the great city of Chicago and its surrounding environments, to be a part of this transformation.  To do so, I’ve started a couple of initiatives that I’d like to share:

Biomimicry Chicago.  I have co-founded a non-profit local regional network that is a part of the Beta Cohort of Affiliate Networks through Biomimicry3.8, the founders and global thought leaders for biomimicry.  Through this network, we will plant the seeds of biomimicry and facilitate cooperative connections for individuals in our region to learn more and begin practicing the biomimicry methodology in the context of our region. 

The B-Collaborative.  This collective practice is my new baby and I’m so excited to collaborate with individuals, both within our local network and the global network of biomimics, to create and provide interesting educational opportunities and exciting projects that harness the power of learning from nature to facilitate optimized design and systemic transformation.  The “B” stands for biomimicry, for business, for bees (who create intricate structures and intelligent societies), but most of all, we want to collaborate to “be” inspired, “be” creative, and collaboratively “be the change” we want to see in the   world (Ghandi).  The B-Collaborative serves as a gateway and catalyst for transformational projects, bringing together teams of experts to collaborate on interesting educational ventures and projects.  We’ve already started developing an exciting schedule for 2013, and more information can be found on our website: 

Liquid Triangle Design will remain a boutique design practice with sustainability consulting, serving to showcase my work in implementing sustainability and biomimicry into the field of design.  But, as in nature, what you nurture is what will grow, and in the coming year I will be focusing my attention and love on The B-Collaborative, nurturing what I hope will grow into a thriving educational and project development practice that will help create a paradigm shift for our region, transforming it to one that aspires to be not only sustainable, but restorative.  Please visit The B-Collaborative website & blog for more information!

Be the Change,


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